Idiot proof

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Things I wish I could say

I enjoy reading

Aunt Flow is here for her visit. I fucking hate the stupid dumb bitch. Sorry... was that harsh and unexpected? Let me rephrase... Thank God for Seasonale. Four times a year is enough for the bloody witch to visit. I hate being moody and irrationale. I hate being this way and not being able to help it.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Friggin' Hot

It's 109 outside. That's hot. REALLY hot. The kids want to swim, but I'm afraid they will burn, so we are waiting until later tonight. I allowed Dragon the vicious killer dog to come inside. He is laying at my feet and just let the most godawful fart imaginable. What is it about dog-farts that make them soooo stinky? Today I watched Pirates of the Caribbean... the first one. I am just now getting around to watching it. I know, I know, a little behind the times, but that's me. I got to thinking about how sis and I used to borrow movies from the library during the summer. The afterschool story movies. I can't remember what they were about now, but I remember really enjoying watching them. What dorks we were... wait... I guess we still are. School starts soon. Mary is ready, she got some school supplies for best attendance at vacation bible school, so she is chomping at the bit to dig her fingers into first grade. I guess I am ready for school. I still have a few things I need to take to the nursing office, but I keep putting it off. It's going to suck getting back into the grind. It's really going to be hard this next semester, but I'm sure I can handle it. I have so far, so I am confident that I can do what needs to be done.

It's the Fiber

Today my sister and I browsed through an antique shop. I love looking at all of the old things. I always think about who the person was that owned it, and if it was something they just "had to have" and is now forgotten. I wonder if the people that used it are dead now, or in some nursing home dying. I wonder what happened to the family, and why "grandmas dishes" were put in some garage sale and not sitting in someones china cabinet. Going through rooms and rooms of antiques I want to reach out and touch all of the green objects and yell "OZ!" I guess that is the results of watching Return to Oz as a kid. It was fun looking at all the junk, er antiques.

Mary and I are watching Alice in wonderland. She is growing up so much. She is turning into a little lady. Well, a little lady if you overlook the farting and the teasing and the picking fights with her brother.

My guy passed his test. I am so proud of him. He is so smart. He is also very good to me.

I am studying for my test. I hope I do well. Cross your fingers for me.

Ok, I am off to my favorite girl. Goodnight to all.