Maybe you should Drive..
Monday. Monday sucks. I couldn't sleep last night. I kept having dreams that people from my past were trying to kill me. Odd dreams. I got up and studied. I was sitting at my dining room table, the entire house quiet, me knee deep in concentration when my phone vibrates with a message. I about jumped four feet in the air. I immediately though bad thoughts towards a certain person who shall remain nameless, although I will say that he lives in Owasso and drives a silver Xterra. HMMM... I immediately text back, without answering his question asking him what he is doing awake at 2am. It's funny looking back, I think I was more startled than anything. He fires the same question back at me and I resume studying. When I finally get in bed it's close to around 3am. I fall asleep only to be awakened around 430 with these bright lights moving across my bedroom ceiling. You know how a cars headlights look as it turns and the lights splash into your house? Well, it was like that, only it's impossible to have a car's headlights splash in my bedroom. The lights were bright enough to wake me up and I laid there looking at them move across my ceiling for a few minutes wondering what they were until it hit me that it might be my christmas tree on fire. I jump out of bed and go into the living room. The tree is fine. The twinkling bulbs are the only lights that are on in the house. I think about this when I lay back down in bed and notice how freaking dark it is now compared to five minutes ago. I didn't think about it long though, seeing as both of my kids and the dog had made their way into my bed. I tried to get some sleep and my alarm didn't go off until 630. We were running right on time, the kids were getting dressed pretty quickly when Mary lets out this howl "MMMOOOMMMMIIIIEEEEE" I go into the bathroom to see what could be the issue now. I find that my daughter has a huge lump of pink bubble gum stuck in her hair. "Oh Shit." I think. I put cold water on her hairy gum wad and try to work as much of the hair out as I can, going as quickly as I can because I CANT be late. I finally cut the last few strands out. I get the kids in the car and off we go. I drop them off, blow Mary about fifteen kisses by the time she finally walks through the school door, and get myself headed off to school. Absent mindedly I take my chap stick that Mary had used and tuck it between my legs so that I won't lose it as I drive to school, and guess what I find? A hole, in my pants. Yes, the day just keeps getting better and better. I have on these velour (howeveryouspellit) pants and they have a two inch hole in the thigh. Just fantastic. I get to school and go into my advisors office. Does she have a saftey pin.... for my crotch....? Do I promise to give it back? Do I buy her another one? I am just glad she has one. I go to the ladies, secure my pants from showing the world my blue undies and get back to class all before 8. Whew.. that's it right? Wrong. I didn't eat breakfast, and had an early dinner the night before so my sugar bottomed out and I felt like total shit during my test. I just knew I did poorly. I didn't, but I was worried about it. I keep wanting to play PS2. That's all I want to do for like three hours is play Sims. PLEASE!!!! I can't. I don't have time. Time sucks. I remember when I used to have time. I also had no life. I want to play PS2 for one day with no interruptions. Anyway, I have to study. I have another test tommorrow that I want to do well on. I will be SOOOO glad when break gets here.
It seems you have a test a day practically. Is it really that bad? Don't those basdards at least give you one day where you're, I don't know... watching films or studying up on abrasions and lacerations and how to treat each one?
Just one day people! Give the girl a film or a field trip to T.J. Maxx... anything but stupid tests!
Jay, at 5:25 AM
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