Kicking and Squeaking
A couple of days ago I noticed a couple of mouse pellets underneath my kitchen sink. I bought some glue traps. I started to get the old traps, but decided that with my grace and mouse trap skills that I would probably snap my finger. I get the glue traps and put them in various places in my kitchen. Tonight I was just about to go to bed when I decided that a yummy bowl of rice chex was just what my blood sugar needed. I go to the kitchen and think "my glue traps! Let's check them!" I check the first three and no mousie. The last one, under the sink was the jackpot. There is this mouse sitting on this glue trap at the back of the cabinet. Oh shit I think, now what am I going to do with it? I pull the packet of sponges that got stuck to the trap closer to the opening of the cabinet. The mouse tries to leap from the glue.... I leap about three feet in the air in my kitchen screaming like a girl. EEE.. EEE!!! EEEEEE!!!! I get ahold of myself and look at the mouse, it is firmly stuck. Now here is the delima.. what do I do with it? I am scared (chicken) to pick it up while it is still in the throes of trying to get free. I have a fear that picking it up will help dislodge it's furry body from the glue and I will find it's little germy teeth sunk into my flesh. Mice are dirty, nasty filthy evil little creatures. How does one rid themselves of a dirty, nasty, filthy evil, helpless, squirming creature that is likey to bite the shit out of me if it happens to flop towards my hand while i am carrying it outside. I have visions of Fat Pants (the cat) walking around tommorrow with a glue trap stuck to his mouth if I take the mousie outside tonight. I will leave the furry brown creature alone to die under my kitchen sink and will take it to the dumpster tommorrow. I only hope it doesn't scream/squeak loud enough where I will hear it while trying to go to sleep.
What happened to the last person?
bib, at 4:08 PM
Urban myth. Totally false. Check Scopes.
Jay, at 6:41 PM
You're an idiot leaving it to die like that. You don't torture the poor thing, just put it out of its misery. Kill it already!
Hiter was evil, Stalin was evil - mice are not evil, neither is any animal. To be evil you need to have intent... a mouse does not intend to be evil.
In fact, you had the intent of leaving it in a inhumane trap so it could suffer some more. THAT is evil, what you did was evil. So before you blurt out that mice are evil, think for a second what you actually did. That is NO way to remove an animal.
You should be ashamed.
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM
LOL, to each their own. I'm not ashamed.. I'm HAPPY to kill the little rat bastards. If they are going to come into my house then I am going to kill them. Same thing goes with spiders, flys,or any other uninvited guest. You can play mouse host all you want and have unbirthday parties every day. I will torture and kill the little fuckers. Thanks....
bib, at 1:00 PM
Wow, you're a fucking retard. What kind of idiot tortures something to death? Don't you realise they can feel pain, yeah?
Just kill it and be over it. There really isn't any point to be needlessly cruel about it.
Mice aren't nice, but neither are cruel people.
Anonymous, at 3:21 AM
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