Idiot proof

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Please Excuse the Typos...

Yeah, so all my posts have typos. I could eliminate them with a quick click of the mouse, but what the heck. That would be way too easy, and so not me. I speak in typos, so why not write in them also?

I broke down and bought some sleeping pills. I had been trying to lull myself to sleep with amaretto sours.. I love amaretto sours.. but they just weren't doing the charm and after three nights of having three drinks and feeling nothing but wanting another drink I have decided that I do not need to add alcholism to my growing list of problems and have given up the amaretto... well, at least cut back.

Today Mary and I went into town and did some christmas shopping. She bought Brenden a present. I let her pick it out. She then wanted to "look" at her some toys. She pointed out about half a million of them that she wants. We had a good time together. She was my big girl and I got her some lip gloss. She is convinced that she has to wear lip gloss to school. She is such a girly girl. I go around half the time with no makeup and my hair in a pony tail. Actually today Mary asked me to keep my hair down, she said, "momma, you always wear your hair up, why don't you where it down? It's pretty." So, I did. I should have turned the tables on her because she always wears it down. I did get like three compliments on my hair though... maybe I should listen to the beauty tips coming from my five year old.

Clinicals are tommorrow. I am kind of looking foward to it. I don't really like the clinical site, but my great grandmother lives there and I enjoy seeing her. There is a nurse at the "home" who actually carries a spit cup around with her. You can imagine the disgust on our faces when she took it in with her to do wound care. YUM, just imagine having some nice juicy spit in your wound, or maybe she might get some nice infection in her mouth.

I took the last of my tests today. I don't know what I made on the last one, but I rocked the first two. I really kicked ass. I am glad because I studied so freaking hard for those tests. I was nervous taking one test. I just knew I was going to bomb it. I even sang my little "I am going to fail" song before taking it. Yes, I sing it outloud, so that everyone can hear it... well, people sitting around me anyway. I didn't bomb it. Maybe I should start singing that song before every test...

Anyway, taking my typos and going to bed. Peace out my homies

OH, I just remembered my homies I got out of the machine at Giant. I thought they were so neat....


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