Yeah... I feel that bad
Monday night I worked. I got home, went to bed and woke up Tuesday kinda feeling run down. You know that I've been going to hard and not resting enough feeling? Yeah, I had it. I had to go to the city for a conference and really wanted to take the self-defense course they were offering there along with our leadership meeting. The class ended up being full so I went ahead and went to the etiquitte class instead. I don't think I've ever been more bored in my life. I was taught how to sit like a lady, how to wear day vs. night perfume. I was taught how to introduce people, which I did not agree with. The instructor said that you should always introduce the lady first.... as in Mrs and Mr. Zwick. I always thought it should be Mr and Mrs Zwick. The husband is introduced first. Anyway, the class was lame. I wish I could've kicked some ass in self defense. After the conference a few girls and I went out for lunch and drinks. We changed from our ugly yellow and green shirts into regular clothes going down the interstate. So yeah, if you saw four girls in a truck all changing clothes on I35 that was us. We had lunch and went shopping for a bit. I called my guy and talked to him for a few minutes and came home. I get home and I start feeling REALLY bad. I end up going to bed at 630. I wake up Wed morning feeling like ulitimate dog shit. I drag ass to class. Around 10 am my instructor asks if I am feeling ok. I reply, no I am not. She takes my temp 102.7. Just like the radio station, I think. She tells me to go home. I go. Now here I sit. I've thrown up more times than I'd like to say, my tonsils are touching and covered with white junk. I walk down the steps of my house and my legs shake like crazy. I forced myself to eat solid food today and now my thoat hurts so much that even sprite makes me want to cry. I am being a baby, I know. The thing that chaps my ass more than anything is my house looks like SHIT. I mean literally I haven't touched it since monday night. It looks bad. Dishes everywhere. I need to get well so I can clean. What incentive. Then on top of everything who knows how much class work I've missed. I get these stupid damn tonsil infections twice a year- with fall and spring. Maybe I should have my tonsils cut out?
I hate spammers. I am now making voodoo dolls of spammers and I am going to inflict all of them with a horrible case of the squirts!
bib, at 2:55 PM
Jay, at 6:50 PM
That actually made me laugh until mary asked me what was so funny. That's great! Yes, a horrible case of spanque is exactly what I wish on every spammer out there. Now everyone is going what the hell is spanque... hahaha... our secret. ;)
bib, at 9:34 PM
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