Idiot proof

Friday, May 20, 2005

Seeing Things Differently

It's been a while since I last posted. Things have been fairly busy around here, but honestly, when am I not busy? This past week I got my new soft contacts. I have worn hard and gas permeable contacts for the past 20 years. I am used to the hard contacts and have been having an awful time getting used to these soft ones. Not only to they cover up a lot more of my eye than I'm used to, the idea of pinching my eyeball to get a contact out is not something I've comepletely gotten used to. The hard contacts also offer a sharper vision than the soft ones do. The lack of sharpness makes me feel like these soft contacts need a good cleaning all the time. I am doing better though, and maybe I can wear these soft little discs all day long today without going insane.

I had my nursing interview last week. It went well. I believe that I'm more than likely going to be in the next class. I'm knocking on wood right now after saying that. Fate has a weird way of knocking me on my ass if I get too confident. Nothing like being knocked flat on your face to bring you down a notch or two. Anyway, I think it went well.

I have some weird Sex Search virus on my computer. No, I haven't been searching for sex, but at the most inopportune moments I will have this web page featuring seminaked women pop up out of the blue. This is not good when you are say... looking at with your kids.

I am going to go see Har Hors today. That is Star Wars for yall. When Brenden was a little kid he loved Star Wars and used to call it Har Hors. I am excited about seeing it. I'm not going to go all geeky on you and give a full out movie review, but I can't wait to see it.

This is about everything that's been going on. Mary is asleep beside me. I can't seem to get more than four hours of sleep lately, no matter if I have to be up or not, I can't seem to move past the four hour mark. The birds are fighting outside my window and it looks like it's going to be beautiful out there today.


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